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Monday, September 7, 2015

Mirabilis jalapa flower seeds

Four o'clock seeds sale
Four o'clock -Marvel Of Peru
Bot. name : Mirabilis jalapa
Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four-o'clock Family)
Synonyms : Jalapa officinalis Garsault; Nyctago jalapae (L.) DC.; Nyctago versicolor Salisb.; Mimosa hispidula Kunth 

Medicinal  properties
Considered diuretic, purgative, vulnerary.
Tubers are weakly purgative and emetic.
Root is believed to be aphrodisiac; also reported to be purgative, emetic and cathartic.

Parts used Leaves, roots, tubers.

Mirabilis jalapa is a long-lived (perennial)  herb growing up to 2 metres high, with a tuberous root.

Its leaves are egg-shaped in outline with broad end at base (ovate), oblong, or triangular, measuring to 9 cm long.; the leaf tip is acute, base cordate. The leaf stalk (petiole) is 4 cm long.

Flowers of  M. jalapa occur in groups of  3-7; flower stalks more or less absent; flowers are fragrant and open in the afternoon; flowers are tubular, white, pink or red in colour, up to 6.5 long  by 3.5 wide with 5-6 stamens.

Mirabilis jalapa is cultivated in gardens for ornamental purposes. It is also said to be medicinal, with antivirus properties.

In herbal medicine, parts of the plant may be used as a diuretic, purgative, and for vulnerary (wound healing) purposes.

Available in Pink and Black
Min : 25 seeds per pacaket

More details: JKMPIC- J&K Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
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