Abutilon indicum seeds for sale
Latin Name : Abutilon indicum
Family : Malvaceae
English name : Mallow Kashmir Country Mallow.
Sanaskrit name : Atibala
Hindi name : Kanghi
Urdu name: Mashtal Ghol, Peeli Buti, Kuho
Parts Used :Leaves, seed, root.
Medicinal Uses : Mucilage of the leaves and flowers made into infusion is effective against chest affections particularly haemoptysis, as demulcent and sedative to stop diarrhoea, to bring irresistable diuresis in gonorrhoea, urethritis or gleet and to alleviate micturition the effect of infusion is substantiated by the presence of powdered Carum carviLinn. (Zira-Siyah). Leaves decoction is used as eye wash and mouth wash in toothache, for tender gums and upper respiratory tract disorders administered as gargles. Leaves infusion with some bruised black peppers proves useful in flatulent dyspepsia and bloody piles. Decoction as fomentation also relieves pain when applied under bandage, reduces congestion and cough when given internally. Seeds are useful in decoction in piles, gonorrhoea, gleet and cystitis. Finely powdered drug when given orally act as expectorant and laxative. Root infusion relieves strangury and haematuria and used for recommended duration proves useful against chronic skin disorders e.g. leprosy. Infusion of leaves and flowers brings diuresis, thus get rid of urinary obstructions (may act as lithontriptic) and act as urinary antiseptic.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet
Open-pollinated.Organic from Kashmir Himalaya
JK Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC
"Ginkgo House", Azizabad, Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Pampore PPR JK 192121
Ph: 09858986794, 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com