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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Buy Asparagus officinalis seed/plants

Asparagus officinalis is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus.
Min seeds  50 seeds per pkt
Seeds are natural from Kashmir Himalaya 

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph : 09858986794, 01933-223705             
e-mail : jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.com

Ceratonia siliqua plant seeds for sale

 Ceratonia siliqua seed
The tree reaches 50 to 55 ft (15-17 m) in height and at an age of 18 years may have a trunk 33 in (85 cm) in circumference. The evergreen leaves are pinnate with 6 to 10 opposite leaflets, oval, rounded at the apex, dark-green, leathery, 1 to 2 1/2 in (2.5-6.25 cm) long. The tiny red flowers are in short, slender racernes borne in clusters along the branches–male, female or hermaphrodite on separate trees. The pod is light- to dark-brown, oblong, flattened, straight or slightly curved, with a thickened margin; 4 to 12 in (10-30 cm) long, 3/4 to 1 in (1-2.5 cm) wide, glossy, tough and fibrous. It is filled with soft, semi-translucent, pale-brown pulp, scant or plentiful, and 10 to 13 flattened, very hard seeds which are loose in their cells and rattle when the pod is fully ripe and dry. The unripe pod is green, moist and very astringent; the ripe pod sweet when chewed (avoiding the seeds) but the odor of the broken pod is faintly like Limburger cheese because of its 1.3% isobutyric acid content.

Min. seeds 25 seeds per pkt
More details: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB:  GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph : 09858986794, 01933-223705             
e-mail : jkmpic@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Henbane seeds for sale

Hyoscyamus Niger
Hyoscyamus Niger-Himalayan Henbane is an annual to biennial with distinguishing hairy, toothed dark purple veins that almost appear black. 
leaves and greenish to yellowish flowers with
Seed/Leaves available for research purpose.
Buy seeds. Min. seeds 250/-seeds per packet

The JK medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC: Henbane-Hyoscyamus Niger seeds for sale

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC: Henbane-Hyoscyamus Niger seeds for sale

Hyoscyamus Niger seed

Hyoscyamus Niger seeds
Hyoscyamus Niger-Himalayan Henbane is an annual to biennial with distinguishing hairy, toothed leaves and greenish to yellowish flowers with dark purple veins that almost appear black. 
Seed/Leaves available for research purpose.
Buy seeds. Min. seeds 250/-seeds per packet

The JK medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Carthamus tinctorius seed for sale

Carthamus tinctorius seeds for sale
Other names : Safflower, Dyers' saffron, False saffron
Urdu name : Gul Rang
Family : Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Annual thistle-like herb, coarse, branching above with a strong central stem to 1.5 m tall; leaves spiny, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, waxy, the upper ones clasping, minutely spinose-toothed; flowers in 1-5 heads per plant, 2.5-3.7 cm across, each head developing 15-50 seeds; corollas yellow, orange, white or red, surrounded by a cluster of leafy spiny bracts, which pass over gradually into the bracts of the involucre; achenes (fruits or seeds) white, 6-7 mm long, shining, the hull accounting for 1/3-1/2 total weight of seed. Fl. summer. Sturdy taproot penetrating to 2.5 m.

Min. Seeds : 500  seeds per pacaket
Rare organic, No GMO's,Open-pollinated

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in 

Pyrethrum seeds

Bot.name: Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium,Tanacetum cinerariifolium
Cashmerian name: Kartik posh
Other names: Dalmation Pellitory, Pyrethrum, Pyrethrum daisy,
Family: Compositae
Chemical constituents: The pyrethrins are a pair of natural organic compounds normally derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium that have potent insecticidal activity. Pyrethrins are neurotoxins that attack the nervous systems of all insects. When present in amounts not fatal to insects, they still appear to have an insect repellent effect. Pyrethrins are gradually replacing organophosphates and organochlorides as the pesticide of first choice. They are non-persistent, being biodegradable, and break down on exposure to light or oxygen. The chemical structure of pyrethrins inspired the production of a variety of synthetic insecticides called pyrethroids such as bifenthrin, permethrin, and cypermethrin.
Six compounds were isolated and identified as: linoeic acid, pinoresinol, (+)-pinoresinol-4'-O-beta-D- glucopyranoside, betulabuside A, dihydrosyringin.

Medicinal use of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium : Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium is not used medicinally, though research has shown that the flowers possess weak antibiotic activity. The flowers are the main source of the insecticide pyrethrum, which is toxic to insects but not to mammals. It has sometimes been used as a vermifuge in China.

Category :   Natural insecticides, Pyrethrum cinerariifolium, Insecticidal activity,Organic compounds, Pyrethrins, Neurotoxins, Insect repellent, Non-persistentBiodegradablePyrethroids, Bifenthrin, Permethrin, Cypermethrin, Persian powder, Pyrethroid, Plant toxin insecticides, PyrethrumPermethrin
Min. Seeds : 500  seeds per pacaket
Rare organic, No GMO's,Open-pollinated

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 1900001
"Ginkgo House", New Coloney Azizabd, Nambalbal, Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Pampore
PPR JK 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in