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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Garden Herbal seeds India

Planting/seed material Catalogue-2017-2018

The  Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC, is a pioneer institution to start cultivation of important indigenous medicinal plants and introduce many from other parts of the world. A preliminary study on cultivation of medicinal plants in Jammu and Kashmir was from this institution. Subsequently lot of work on cultivation and improvement was done on selected plants by different   scientists and a consolidated account on cultivation and utilization of these plants was published (Sheikh GULZAAR, 2002 & 2007).

Availability of  Seed/Planting material for research purpose only
(The following seeds  and planting material is available for distribution/purchase for Research institutions, universities, associations and NGOs)
























The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC specialises in seeds and plants that are the backbone of organic and permaculture systems. These include a wide range of open-pollinated, heirloom medicinal, fruit, herbal, vegetable seeds, rare edibles, living mulches, green manures and insectary plants for beneficial insects.

We specialise in high quality seed with a guaranteed viability and purity and so we appreciate very much when gardeners let us if know they have an occasional problem with seed germination. This allows us to further improve our growing information and triggers additional germination testing to pinpoint any problems. Germination testing is carried out on a regular basis to check that the viability of seed is being maintained throughout the year.

Our seeds are nearly all open-pollinated and so are able to be grown again from seed you save yourself. Open-pollinated seeds are genetically diverse treasures that have been passed on from generation to generation. When you buy and plant open-pollinated seeds you are helping to protect this valuable resource for the future.

Saving open-pollinated (OP) seeds protects our global food heritage.Growing open pollinated seeds and saving some for next year's crop is a practical and economical option for home gardeners.

Most of our open-pollinated seeds are also considered heirloom or heritage seed. These are herb, flower and vegetable varieties that were bred and handed down by generations of gardeners and farmers. These varieties have stood the test of time, gardeners have saved them year after year because they were recognised for their superior qualities such as great flavour, good yield or disease resistance.

Our seeds are packed in simple plain paper, 90 mm x 145 mm, re-sealable packets with an inner cliplock plastic bag that is also resealable. Our intention is to avoid as much as possible glossy paper and full-colour printing due to its greater environmental impact. The paper packets can be composted. The inner cliplock bag helps greatly to maintain the seed's viability as it resists moisture far better than just a paper packet alone. EachPacket contains 50-100 seeds.

Seed packets are printed with detailed growing information to help you with successful seed raising. In addition a free leaflet Successful Seed Raising Guide is provided with each seed purchase.

Please be aware that much of the seed retailed in South Asia  is chemically treated with fungicides. The Jammu and Kashmie Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre does not use chemical treatments, our organic solution to weevils is diatomaceous earth, the grey, powdery coating on some of our seeds. Sometimes a hot water seed treatment is worthwhile if you have been having persistent disease problems.

Effective 01/1/2013 / Due to the volatility of shortages in the seed markets, Prices can change on a semi daily bases. Please place your order we will notify you of higher or lower prices on your purchase date.

For more details:-
Sheikh GULZAAR (M.Sc in Bot)
Head (Research R& D)
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Aziz Abad, Nambalbal, (Via Wuyan-Meej Road), Pampore PPR J&K 192121
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph: (Resi) 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794

Kiwi fruit plants

Fruit planting material

Fruit planting material

Apple Malus domestica
Apricot Prunus cashmeriana
Pear Pyrus communis
Cherry Prunus avium
Plum Prunus domestica
Chestnut Castanea sativa
Almond Prunus dulcis
Hazel Corylus avellana (3 caltivars)
Pecan Carya illinoinensis
Walnut - Juglans regia 
QuinceCydonia oblonga
Persimmon Diospyros kaki‎
Wild Persimmon - Blue Kaki Persimmon
Olive Olea europaea (4 caltivars)
Kiwi Actinidia deliciosa/Actinidia chinensis (4 caltivars)
Peach - Prunus persica

Fruit planting material and seeds availability
More details: Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com,jkmpic@bsnl.in
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in
Other address: http://facebook.com/jkmpc

Herbal extracts in India

1. Acai berry extracts 4:1 , 5 % Vit C
2. Apricot Extracts
3. Artichoke Extracts 2.5 % Cynarin
4. Aspargus racemosus Extracts 20 %
5. Astragalus Extracts 10:1
6. Avena sativa Extracts 10:1
7. Burdock Root Extracts
8. Chamomile Extracts
9. Cranberry Extracts 25 % PAC
10. Damiana leaf Extracts 10:1
11. Dandelion Extracts 10:1
12. Dong quani – Angelica sinensis Extracts 10;1
13. Elder berry Extracts 10:1
14. Ganoderma Extracts 20 % Polysacchride
15. Ginseng Extracts 20 % Ginsenoside
16. Gojiberry Extracts 20 % Polysacchride
17. Hawthorn berry Extracts 10;1
18. Horney goat Weed Extracts 5 % Icarin
19. Horse chest nut Extracts
20. Horsetail Extracts
21. Kiwi seed Extracts 4:1
22. Maca Root Extracts 15 % Sterol
23. Mucuna puranis Extracts 20 % L Dopa
24. Mulberry leaf Extracts 1 % DNJ
25. Nettle root extracts 10:1
26. Nigella sativa Extracts
27. Olive leaf Extracts 20 % Oleuperon
28. Queracetin Powder 95 %
29. Pygeum bark Extracts 10:1
30. Rhodiola rosea Extracts 3 %
31. Red Rasberry Extracts 10 % Rasberry Kitone
32. Rose hip Extracts 20 %
33. Rosmerry Extracts 20 %
34. Saw palmetto Extracts 25 % Fatty Acid
35. Seabuckthorn Powder SD
36. Siberian Ginseng Extracts 0.8 % Eleutheroside
37. St. Johns Wart Extracts 0.5 % Hypericine
38. Tongkat Ali Extracts 100:1
39. Vitex agnus Extracts
40. Valerian officinalis
41. Wild yam Extracts
42. White willow bark Extracts 10 %
43. Yohambe 10 % Yohambin HCl
44. Anacyclus pyrethrum Pyrethrins 0.5%
45. Juglans regia extract
46. Junipher dried extract
47. Hemidesmus indicus Saponin 7%
48. Aconitum heterophyllum Tannin 5%
49. Achillea Millefolium
50. Swertia chirata
51. Smilax china
52. Cedrus deodara
53. Glycyrrhiza glabra
54. Gmelina arborea Alkaloid 0.3%
55. Panax Ginseng Ginsengosides 20%
56. Sphaeranthus indicus Alkaloids 0.3%
57. Tinospora cordifolia Bitters 2.5%
58. Viola odorata Mucilage 20%
59. Ferula asafoetida Vol Oil 1%
60. Peganum harmala Mucilage 10%
61. Nardostachys jatamansi Jatamansic acid 2%
62. Nigella sativa Saponin 10%
63. Cichorium intybus
64. Picrorrhiza kurroa 65. Celastrus paniculatus dried extract
66. Urtica dioca Saponin 10%
67. Abelmoschus moschatus Resin 3%
68. Vitex negundo Tannin 5%
69. Pinus Pinaster OPC 95%
70. Inula racemosa Bitter 3%
71. Rheum emodi Antraquines 3%
72. Vinca rosea Alkaloids 1-2.5%
73. Dactylorhiza hatagirea Glucosids 5%
74. Tephrosia pupurea Rutin 4%
75. Asparagus racemosus Saponin 30%
76. Serenoa Repens Fatty Acids 45%
77. Valeriana Wallichii Velerenic Acid 0.8%
79. Colchhicum Luteum Baker Alkaloids 0.4%
80. Taxus baccata Vol Oil 10%
81. Ruta graveolens Rutin 5%
82. Prunella vulgaris Vol Oil 2%
83. Viburnum thapus Tannin 7%

More details:
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Mob: 09858986794,9419966983
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com

pure herbal extracts
natural herbal extracts
organic herbal extract
standardized herbal extracts
medicinal herbal extract
nutraceuticals raw materials
natural food colours
essential & medicinal oils
wheat grass powder
spray dried powders
shitake mushroom extracts

food ingredients

Friday, June 29, 2018

Rubus ellipticus-Highbush raspberry

Rubus ellipticus, commonly known as golden Himalayan raspberry or as yellow Himalayan
Himalayan High Bush berries
raspberry, is an Asian species of thorny fruiting shrub in the rose family. It is native to China, the Kashmir, Indochina, and the Philippines

Availability of plant/seeds
US$ 150 (50 seeds) pkt
US$ 300 (250 Seeds) pkt

More details: jkmpic@gmail.com
Mob: +91-9858986794
......... +91-9419966983
Ph: +91-1933-223705

rubus allegheniensis
highbush blackberry
himalayan yellow berries
golden himalayan berries
rubus ellipticus yellow himalayan raspberry
Wild black berriesrubus ellipticus fruit seeds
rubus allegheniensis seeds for sale