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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) for sale

Buy Howthorn berries
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. By the early 1800s, American doctors were using it to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Today, the leaves and flowers are used medicinally, and there is good evidence that hawthorn can treat mild-to-moderate heart failure.

Animal and laboratory studies report hawthorn contains antioxidants, including oligomeric procyandins (OPCs, also found in grapes) and quercetin. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals -- compounds in the body that damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body and grow in number as we age. Environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, smoking, some medicines, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Free radicals are believed to contribute to the aging process (such as wrinkling) as well as the development of a number of health problems including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants found in hawthorn may help stop some of the damage from free radicals, especially when it comes to heart disease.

Hawthorn is a common thorny shrub in the rose family that grows up to 5 feet tall on hillsides and in sunny wooded areas throughout the world. Its flowers bloom in May. They grow in small white, red, or pink clusters. Small berries, called haws, sprout after the flowers. They are usually red when ripe, but they may also be black. Hawthorn leaves are shiny and grow in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Hawthorn contains many substances that may benefit the heart. These antioxidant flavonoids -- including OPCs -- may help dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and protect the blood vessels from damage.

The berries, leaves, and flowers of the hawthorn plant have been used for medicinal purposes. Most modern preparations use the leaves and flowers, which are believed to contain more of the flavonoids than the berries.

Hawthorn is used to help protect against heart disease and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Heart failure:  Hawthorn has been widely studied in people with heart failure (a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to other organs in the body). A number of studies conclude that hawthorn significantly improved heart function. Studies also have found that the herb can improve the ability to exercise in a person with heart failure. Participants in studies have reported that hawthorn significantly improved symptoms of the disease (such as shortness of breath and fatigue). One study found that hawthorn extract (900 mg/day) taken for 2 months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure.

A large study found that a standardized hawthorn supplement was effective in 952 patients with heart failure. The study compared conventional methods of treating heart failure (with different medications) with hawthorn alone and in addition to the drugs. After 2 years, the clinical symptoms of heart failure (palpitations, breathing problems, and fatigue) decreased significantly in the patients taking the hawthorn supplement. People taking hawthorn also took less medications for their condition.

Chest pain (Angina) Some preliminary evidence suggests hawthorn may help combat chest pain (angina), which is caused by low blood flow to the heart. In one early study, 60 people with angina were given either 180 mg/day of hawthorn berry-leaf-flower extract or placebo for 3 weeks. Those who received hawthorn experienced improved blood flow to the heart and were also able to exercise for longer periods of time without suffering from chest pain. However, more studies would be needed to say for sure whether hawthorn was effective.

Howthorn & High blood pressure : Although hawthorn has not been studied specifically in people with high blood pressure, some people think that its benefits in treating heart disease may carry over to treating high blood pressure (hypertension). However, so far not enough research has been done to say whether hawthorn is effective at lowering blood pressure -- and if so, by how much.

In one study, a hawthorn extract was found to be effective for hypertension in people with type 2 diabetes who were also taking their prescribed medicines. Participants took 1,200 mg hawthorn extract daily or placebo for 16 weeks. Those taking hawthorn had lower blood pressures than those taking the placebo.

You should talk with your doctor before taking hawthorn if you have high blood pressure.

Available Forms:
Hawthorn is available in non-standardized and standardized capsules and liquid extracts, along with tinctures and solid extracts. A bitter-tasting tea can also be made from dried hawthorn leaves, flowers, and berries.

Howthron berries/leafs/Palnts/Seeds available at:

For more details:
The Jammu and Kashmir medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, New Coloney Azizabad, Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ceratonia siliqua tree seeds

Carob seeds
The seeds of Ceratonia siliqua contains leucodelphinidin, a colourless ... gold and gemstones against the seeds of the carob tree by people in the Middle East.
More details: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceratonia_siliqua

Buy Carob seed 
More details: JK Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Home : http://jkmpic.blogspot.in
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705

Burdock roots and seeds

Buy Burdock seed & roots
Burdock is one of the foremost detoxifying herbs in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The dried root of one year old plants is the official herb, but the leaves and fruits can also be used. It is used to treat conditions caused by an "overload" of toxins, such as throat and other infections, boils, rashes and other skin problems. The root is thought to be particularly good at helping to eliminate heavy metals from the body.
The plant is also part of a North American formula called essiac which is a popular treatment for cancer. Its effectiveness has never been reliably proven or disproven since controlled studies have not been carried out. The other herbs included in the formula are Rumex acetosella, Ulmus rubra and Rheum palmatum. 
The plant is antibacterial, antifungal, carminative. It has soothing, mucilaginous properties and is said to be one of the most certain cures for many types of skin diseases, burns, bruises etc. It is used in the treatment of herpes, eczema, acne, dandruff, impetigo, ringworm, boils, bites etc. The plant can be taken internally as an infusion, or used externally as a wash. Use with caution. The roots of one-year old plants are harvested in mid-summer and dried. 
They are alterative, aperient, blood purifier, cholagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic and stomachic. The seed is alterative, antiphlogistic, depurative, diaphoretic and diuretic. Recent research has shown that seed extracts lower blood sugar levels. The seed is harvested in the summer and dried for later use. The crushed seed is poulticed onto bruises. The leaves are poulticed onto burns, ulcers and sores.
Buy Burdock seed/roots
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Ph: 09858986794, 0193-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com

Ginkgo biloba seeds sale

Ginkgo seeds sale
Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree (ginkgo biloba)
Ginkgo seeds - Ginkgo seedlings - Ginkgo biloba tea leaves Ginkgo plants - Ginkgo cultivation - Ginkgo leaves powder  Ginkgo biloba seeds
                                                Packaging : 50 seeds per packet
                                                Plants are also available

The Jammu and Kashmir medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal,
New Coloney Azizabad,
Via Wuyan-Meej Road,
Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com

home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in

Goji berry seeds for sale

Goji berry plantation in Kashmir
Kashmir Goji berry juice is made from the Lycium Barbarum species of the Goji berry. This particular species is said to be sweeter in taste than other species. It grows in this mountainous region and that is why the juice is known by the name, Himalayan Kashmir Goji berry juice.Growing Goji Berris.

Min. seeds : 50 seeds per packet
Plants are also available
Seeds are open-pollinated.Untreated.Organic from Kashmir Himalaya.

Goji berry seed-Goji berry plants-Lycium Barbarum-Goji seed-Lycium Barbarum
Goji plants - Goji berries Fruit & Nut -Goji  Trees - Goji berry seeds for sale
Goji berry plant-Goji berry plant information-wolfberry seeds-tibetan goji berry plant-
wolfberry plants for sale-growing goji berries-lycium chinense-lycium berries
goji berry plant information-goji berry seeds-grow goji berry-lycium barbarum plants sale

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, New Coloney Azizabad,
Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in

Kohlrabi seeds

Kohlrabi seed

Kohlrabi is an annual vegetable, and is a low, stout cultivar of cabbage. Kohlrabi can be eaten raw as well as cooked.Kohlrabi are the most commonly eaten vegetable. .

1. Kohlrabi-Brassica oleracea-white  seeds
2. Kohlrabi-Brassica oleracea -purple seeds

Available :  (5g,10,20,50,100,1000 grams)
Brassica Olercacea, Vegetable Seeds, Knolkhol, Noolkol, Vegetable seeds, Buy Vegetable Seeds,
Organic seeds, Herb seeds,Vegetable seeds available to buy online,Vegetable seeds for sale, Heirloom vegetable seeds, Non-hybrid vegetable seeds, Garden seeds, Sources for Buying Non-GMO Seeds,Where to Buy Non GMO Seeds, Heritage Seeds, Natural medicinal seeds,Rhubarb seeds,

Available :  (5g) approximately 900 seeds
Brassica Olercacea, Vegetable Seeds

J&K Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Ramban, Jammu 182143 (J&K)
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
"Ginkgo House" Azizabad,Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Nambalbal, Pampore PPR JK 192121
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in

Cardiospermum halicacabum seeds

Cardiospermum halicacabum plant
Cardiospermum halicacabum plant
Family: Sapindaceae
English name : Heart Seed/Balloon Vine

Medicinal use of Cardiospermum halicacabum: The whole plant is diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, laxative, refrigerant, rubefacient, stomachic and sudorific. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, nervous diseases, stiffness of the limbs and snakebite. The leaves are rubefacient, they are applied as a poultice in the treatment of rheumatism. A tea made from them is used in the treatment of itchy skin. Salted leaves are used as a poultice on swellings.The leaf juice has been used as a treatment for earache. The root is diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, laxative and rubefacient. It is occasionally used in the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago and nervous diseases.

Cardiospermum halicacabum seeds for sale in India

Cardiospermum halicacabum plant

No of seeds 50 seeds/per packet
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Ramban, Jammu 182143 (J&K)
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, New Coloney Azizabad, Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Pampore PPR J&K 192121

Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in