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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ginkgo trees for sale

Ginkgo biloba seedlings for sale

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre is an anishinaabe family business dedicated to Mother Earth.

We supply environmentalists with healthy, hand-grown world’s most expensive Medicinal/Ornamental tree Ginkgo biloba seeds for soil, water and air remediation or as fire barriers. Ginkgos help indigenous species to flourish in the wild without over-taking them. Since one tree can survive for 1000 years, we recommend planting wisely!

The Ginkgo tree is a true survivor or “living fossil” from the Jurassic period. It saw the dinosaurs come and go and is the only living tree to survive the Atomic blast at Hiroshimo. It can thrive for 1000 years on polluted land while reducing toxins. Besides being a highly researched medicinal wonder, they provide disease-free ornamental shade trees or tenacious forests. They are the free that blends our ecological history with hope for the future.

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph: 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794
e-mail: iirc@rediffmail.com,cikashmir@gmail.com,jkmpic@gmail.com

Monday, May 30, 2011

Taxus baccata seedlings

Taxus baccata
Sub sp. walliciana (Zucc.) Pilger.
Family: Taxaceae (Taxus baccata Family)
Common name: Himalayan Yew
Urdu name : Zarnab
Cashmerian name: Taxus
Arabic name : Talisfar
Bengali name : Birmi, Talish Patra, Bhada Getela
Chinese name : Tzu shan
English name : Yew, Common Yew, Chinwood
French name : If commun
German name : Eibe, Eife, Ibenbaum, Kantelbaum, Taxbaum, Ybe
Gujarati name : Gethela Barmi
Hindi name : Talispatr, Talis Patta
Kannada name : Sthauneyak
Marathi name : Sthauney Barmi
Persian name : Zarnab
Punjabi name : Birmi
Sanskrit name : Mandhuparni, Talispatra, Sukapuspa

Habitat : Forests, shady ravines above 3000 m
Distribution : Afghanistan, Kashmir, IRAN, Pakistan, China, burma, S.E. Asia

Medicinal use of Taxus baccata : The Taxus baccata tree is a highly toxic plant that has occasionally been used medicinally, mainly in the treatment of chest complaints. Modern research has shown that the plants contain the substance "taxol" in their shoots. Taxol has shown exciting potential as an anti-cancer drug, particularly in the treatment of ovarian cancers. Unfortunately, the concentrations of taxol in this species are too low to be of much value commercially, though it is being used for research purposes. This remedy should be used with great caution and only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. See also the notes above on toxicity. All parts of the plant, except the fleshy fruit, are antispasmodic, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, narcotic and purgative. The leaves have been used internally in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, hiccup, indigestion, rheumatism and epilepsy. Externally, the leaves have been used in a steam bath as a treatment for rheumatism. A homeopathic remedy is made from the young shoots and the berries. It is used in the treatment of many diseases including cystitis, eruptions, headaches, heart and kidney problems, rheumatism etc.

It is also used in treatment of asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, high fever, indigestion, haemoptysis and epilepsy. In 1021, Avicenna, also known as Ibn Sina, introduced the medicinal use of Taxus baccata L for phytotherapy in The Canon of Medicine . He named this herbal drug as “Zarnab” and used it as a cardiac remedy. It is the first known use of a calcium channel blocker drug.  Externally, used in the treatment of rheumatism.

Recommended Dosage : 1 to 3 g powder of fried leaves.

Contraindication : This herb is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Large doses (many times the recommended disage) may result in colic, dry mouth, hypotention, paleness, rash, syncopem vertigo and vomiting.

Description of the plant :
Plant: Evergreen Tree

Height: 15 m (49 feet)

Flovering : March to April

Habitat of the herb : Woods and scrub, usually on limestone. It sometimes forms pure stands in sheltered sites on chalk in the south-east and on limestone in the north-west.

Edible parts of Taxus baccata :
Fruit - raw. Very sweet and gelatinous, most people find it delicious though some find it sickly. A number of people who like the flavour do not like the texture which is often described as being "snotty". All other parts of this plant, including the seed, are highly poisonous. When eating the fruit you should spit out the large seed found in the fruit's centre. Should you swallow the whole seed it will just pass straight through you without harm. If it is bitten into, however, you will notice a very bitter flavour and the seed should immediately be spat out or it could cause some problems. The fruit is a fleshy berry about 10mm in diameter and containing a single seed. Some reports suggest using the bark as a tea substitute, this would probably be very unwise.

Other uses of the herb : Very tolerant of trimming, this plant makes an excellent hedge. The plants are often used in topiary and even when fairly old, the trees can be cut back into old wood and will resprout. One report says that trees up to 1000 years old respond well to trimming. A decoction of the leaves is used as an insecticide. Some cultivars can be grown as a ground cover when planted about 1 metre or more apart each way. "Repandens" has been recommended. Wood - heavy, hard, durable, elastic, takes a good polish but requires long seasoning. Highly esteemed by cabinet makers, it is also used for bows, tool handles etc. It makes a good firewood. The wood is burnt as an incense.

Propagation of Taxus baccata :
Seed - can be very slow to germinate, often taking 2 or more years. It is best sown as soon as it is ripe in the autumn when it should germinate 18 months later. Stored seed may take 2 years or more to germinate. 4 months warm followed by 4 months cold stratification may help reduce the germination time. Harvesting the seed "green" (when fully developed but before it has dried on the plant) and then sowing it immediately has not been found to reduce the germination time because the inhibiting factors develop too early. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots once they are large enough to handle and grow them on in pots in a cold frame. The seedlings are very slow-growing and will probably require at least 2 years of pot cultivation before being large enough to plant out. Any planting out is best done in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts. Cuttings of half-ripe terminal shoots, 5 - 8cm long, July/August in a shaded frame. Should root by late September but leave them in the frame over winter and plant out in late spring. High percentage. Cuttings of ripe terminal shoots, taken in winter after a hard frost, in a shaded frame.

Cultivation of the herb :
Woods and scrub, usually on limestone. It sometimes forms pure stands in sheltered sites on chalk in the south-east and on limestone in the north-west.

Known hazards of Taxus baccata : All parts of the plant, except the flesh of the fruit, are highly poisonous, having a paralyzing affect on the heart.

Taxus baccata seedlings and plants are available at:

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Ist street, Shaheed-e-Azemat Road, Nambalbal, Pampore PPR JK 192121

Ph: 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Floriculture, Horticulture and Agriculture in Kashmir

The diverse Agro-climatic conditions of Kashmir valey offer great potential for growing a variety of fruits, flowers and medicinal plants like Apple, Cherry, Kiwi, Hazel Nut, Plum, Olive, Strawbery, Pecan-nut, Walnut, Almond, Howthorn, Pear, Lukat,Saffron,Chinar- Platanus orientalis, Oak-Quercus robur,  Malus communis, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus serotina, Cedrus deodar,  Ginkgo biloba, Wild Cherry, Sweet Chestnut Cypress  cashmiriana, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Sorbus cashmeriana, Cataegus oxyacantha Linn, Saussurea costus, Viola odorata Linn, Atropa belladona Linn, Urtica dioica Linn, Salix alba Linn, Geranium wallichianum, Amaranthus caudatus Linn, Allium victoralis Linn, Althaea officinalis Linn, Colchicum lutem, Crocus yellow, Iris ensata, Mallow-Malva Sylvestris.

The Hazelnut orchard of around 13000 trees are planted  in Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre's R&D Centre near Sonamarg in North Kashmir . Initial planting began in 1998 and the trees are now well established and producing quality nuts for the worldwide marketplace. More than 30,000 plants are ready for sale purpose.
For more details: http://jkmpic.blogspot.com
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
Ph: 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794

Friday, February 4, 2011

Flouriculture, Fruit, Seeds & Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Availability of  Seed/Planting material
(The following seeds  and planting material is available for distribution/purchase for growers only)

The JK Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre Srinagar is responsible for development of 50 well known Medicinal/Fruit/Ornamental plants.  JKMPIC one  of  the premier institution  involved in production,  development, introduction, & manufacturing of  Medicinal, Fruit,  Ornamental Plants and seeds.

Planting materials : 
Saffron plants, Chinar tree, Oak-Quercus robur,  Malus communis, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus serotina, Cedrus deodar,  Ginkgo biloba, Wild Cherry, Sweet Cherry, Sweet Appricort, Sweet Apple, Pear, Plum, Lukat, Peach,  Almond, Walnut, Sweet Chestnut Cypress  cashmiriana, Aesculus Hippocastanum.

Seed materials : Cedrus deodar, Saw Palmetto, Beldona, Kuth , Ceratonia siliqua, Colchicum Luteum Bulbs, Saffron bulbs, Hawthorn , Clary Sage,  Ginkgo biloba, Sweet Chestnut, Cannabis cashmeriana,  Mallow ( Malva Sylvestris), Lavatera cashmiriana, Rosemerry-Rosmarinus officinalisetc, Red Hot Chili cashmeriana, Atropa belladonna, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Podophyllum Hexandrum, Pyrethrum Crysanthemum Cinerariae folium, Dutura Stramonium , Pear plant, Orange Cosmos, Shallot-Allium ascalonicum Linn, Garlic bulbs etc. etc.

For Planting materials
Available in : 15th Feb- 15th March (Every Year)
Some plants are available in Polybag/without Polybag

For Seed materials
Available in : January - December (Full Year)
(Depending on availability)
Available in With and without Poly bag and seeds Available in our research centre.
Fruiting years will be Depend on Your State or country climate.

Seeds and planting materials would be supplied against advance payment depending upon the availability at JKMPIC Headquarter/ Resource Centers.

Before placing order, kindly ensure the availability of the material and obtain the invoice for the same.
Packing and postage will be charged extra.

Payment will be accepted either in cash payable with Cashier JKMPIC or through  draft drawn in favor of the Account head.

Above rates are applicable for the planting material to be sold to the Indian farmers only for use in India only.
It is advisable to collect the planting material personally/or by Courier. The seeds/ planting material can be dispatched on request on the responsibility of the farmers only.

Rates may get revised. Rates applicable at the time of purchase will be charged.
You can directly depost your payment to:
A/N: International Information Resource Centre
A/C: 0828002100015775
IFC: PUNB0082800/190 024 012
Branch Code: 082800
Branch Name and address: Punjab National Bank, Drangbal, Pampore PPR JK-192121

Contact Head : Mr. Sheikh GULZAAR
JK Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com   
home: http://jkmpic.blogspot.com

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saffron corm/Crocus sativus corm/planting material

Saffron Corms and genotypes : Study has been shown that superior genotypes since last 13 years confirmed  superiority of 5 genotypes viz SMD-45, SMD-3, SMD-52, SMD-81. Elite genotypes recorded saffron yield ranging from 4.0-7.7 kg/ha with corresponding crocin content ranging from 13-89-17.10 percent.

We have been selling corms since last 21 years now and once again will be making corms available from June to September every year.  Those corms will flower in the period from the end of October.

Once again this year we are offering corms for sale in packages designed for home gardeners as well as for those contemplating purchasing corms in bulk.
  • Planting Guide
  • 20 Corms (larger than 5 Gram)
  • Superiority of 5 genotypes viz SMD-45, SMD-3, SMD-52, SMD-81.SMD-68
  • Available in 5 Calibars  2,5,6,8,10
  • Please indicate the numbers of corms and we supply according to the date the order has been received
  • A deposit of 100% in advance is required with the order.
  • Booking order : 12 months
For further information If you are interested in purchasing Corms from the Chenab Industries Kashmir-CIK nursery, or to request more information email uscikashmir@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Medicinal plants of India

In order to popularize medicinal plants, particularly those used in  Indian systems of medicine, Chenab Industries Kashmir is  one of the premier  Agriculture, Horticulture & Floriculture based institution involved in production, development, introduction, trading and manufacturing of  Fruit, Medicinal Plants, Vegetable seeds of Kashmir.

Chenab Industries Kashmir, has recently embarked upon a vigorous programme of cultivation  about 50 species in its nurseries at its centres at Pulwama, Ramban, Kargil and Gulmarg. Some of the important species being cultivated in this programme include : Oak-Quercus robur Colchicum Luteum,Saffron Bulbs (Crocus sativus Linn), Marijuana-Cannabis cashmiriana, Hawthorn berries/seeds(Crataegus  oxycantha), Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), Celosia Linn, Pyrethrum, Malus communis, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus serotina, Cedrus deodar,  Aeaxulus indica Colebr, Capsicum annum, Ginkgo biloba Seeds,Wild Cherry, Sweet Cherry, Pomengranate , Sweet Appricort, Apple, Kewi, Plum, Lukat, Peach, Almond, Walnut Grapes, Sweet Chestnut, Ginkgo biloba plants, Althaea officinalis, cypress cashmiriana seeds,Ceratonia siliqua,Viola serpentine cashmiriana (Bunafsha),  Dioscorea  deltoidea, Saussurea costus cashmiriana, Gladiolus bulbs ,Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens), Beldona seeds, Kuth (Saussuria lappa),Phytolacca acinosa,Rosmarinus officinalisetc, Rosemerry etc.
For planting/seed materials
Details: http://chenabindustries.blogspot.com
Ph: 91-1933-223705
Mob: 09858986794
e-mail: cikashmir@gmail.com

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lavatera cashmeriana planting/seed material

Family : Malvaceae
Habitat : Forest clearings, meadows, shrubberies etc.
Distribution : Himalaya : Kashmir, Gilgat
Botanical features : Perennial herb . Stem upto 2 m tall. Leaves 3-5 lobed, lower leaves rounded heart-shaped with 5 shallow and toothed lobes. Flowers bright-pink with dark beined petals on terminal spikes. Fruit of many black carpets surrounded by the calyx and epicalyx.
Part used : Root, Leaf, Flowers
Medicinal  uses : A known medicinal herb used in many Unani medicinal preparations. It is supposed to be used in throat problems. The herb is given as a mild laxative. The roots are collected in large quantities and sold as crude drug in market.

Lavatera cashmeriana
Qty: 50 seeds/pkt
Price Rs. 550/-US$30

Available at:
Chenab Industries Kashmir-CIK
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

Ph: 09858986794, 01933-223705
e-mail: cikashmir@gmail.com
home: http://chenabindustries.blogspot.com