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Sunday, September 6, 2020

White Sage seeds Kashmir

Salvia apiana-White Sage seeds for sale

Latin name: Salvia apiana
Family: Labiatae

White Sage: An infusion of the leaves is used as a blood tonic and as a treatment for coughs and colds. The leaves can be eaten, or used as a sweat bath, in the treatment of colds. The seeds have been used as eye cleaners. No more information is given here, but in other instances the seed has been placed in the eye, it then forms a gelatinous covering to which any foreign matter in the eye adheres. The seed is washed out of the eye by the eyes own tears.

POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph: 09858986794/09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705
write us at : jkmpic@gmail.com 

Black Walnut trees from Kahmir

Black Walnut 

Good Juglans nigra-black walnut nuts to add to your diet include walnuts, which are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and biotin, and Black walnuts, which are high in selenium. Selenium is not only good for promoting a healthy skinand scalp, but the mineral can also help prevent hairloss.

(Availability Black Walnut Powder/Black Walnut Leaves 
More info: jkmpic@gmail.com
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Watermelon seeds (Organic) 50 SEEDS Pkt

Watermelon :  An ideal plant for gardeners with limited space, the vines of tasty bush only reach 3-31/2 feet in length. This is an early producer, the juicy and sweet little 12-pound fruit will be ready to harvest in 75 to 80 days. Flesh is a deep scarlet; skin is a dark green with no striping. One thousand years old variety from Kashmir Himalayan mountains.
Organic watermelon seeds Kashmir
Organic-Open-polinated from Kashmir Himalaya (Suitable for both Cold and Hot climate)

Pkt (10 seeds)  INR : 850.00
Other Pkt (50 seeds) INR 5500.00
Mail us : jkmpic@gmail.com
Mob: 09858986794
Whatsapp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Marshmallow seeds for sale

Althaea officinalis
Marshmallow plant

Family: Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
Marshmallow-مارش میلو  is a very useful 
household medicinal herb. Its soothing 
demulcent properties make it very effective 
in treating inflammations and irritations of 
the mucous membranes such as the alimentary 
canal, the urinary and the respiratory organs. 

The root counters excess stomach acid, peptic 
ulceration and gastritis. It is also applied externally 
to bruises, sprains, aching muscles, insect bites, 
skin inflammations, splinters etc. 

The whole plant, but especially the root, is 
antitussive, demulcent, diuretic, highly 
emollient, slightly laxative and odontalgic. 

An infusion of the leaves is used to treat cystitis 
and frequent urination. The leaves are 
harvested in August when the plant is
 just coming into flower and can be dried 
for later use. The root can be used in an 
ointment for treating boils and abscesses. 

The root is best harvested in the 
autumn, preferably from 2 year old 
plants, and is dried for later use.

Availability of Marshmallow plant/root/seeds
Mail us : jkmpic@gmail.com
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Friday, August 28, 2020

Echinacea 'Flame Thrower' seeds

Echinacea Species and Cultivars

Availability of Echinacea seeds
Echinacea 'Flame Thrower' seeds
Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) seeds

Mail us : jkmpic@gmail.com
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sweet Chestnut seeds India

Sweet Chestnut tree seeds Kashmir
Bot. name: Castanea sativa
Eng. name: Sweet Chestnut,Chestnut. European Chestnut, Spanish Chestnut
Cashmerian name: Gour
Synonyms: Castanea vesca, Castanea vulgaris, Fagus castanea
Family: Fagaceae (Beech Family)

Castanea sativa-Sweet Chetsnut: Although more commonly thought of as a food crop, sweet chestnut leaves and bark are a good source of tannins and these have an astringent action useful in the treatment of bleeding, diarrhoea etc. The leaves and bark are anti-inflammatory, astringent, expectorant and tonic. They are harvested in June or July and can be used fresh or dried. An infusion has been used in the treatment of fevers and ague, but are mainly employed for their efficacy in treating convulsive coughs such as whooping cough and in other irritable conditions of the respiratory system. The leaves can also be used in the treatment of rheumatism, to ease lower back pains and to relieve stiff muscles and joints. A decoction is a useful gargle for treating sore throats. The plant is used in Bach flower remedies - the keywords for prescribing it are "Extreme mental anguish", Hopelessness" and "Despair".

Availability : Seed/plant/Fruit
More info: jkmpic@gmail.com
Ph: 09858986794

Atropa acuminata seeds for sale

Atropa acuminata-Cashmerian belladonna
Atropa acuminata, also known as maitbrand or Cashmerian belladonna, is a close relative of deadly nightshade of UK , Pakistan, India, Afghanistan,Turkistan, Kashmir, China,North Africa and, like it, is an extremely poisonous plant valued in medicine for its richness in tropane alkaloids with anticholinergic, deliriant, antispasmodic and mydriatic properties.

Availability: 100,500,1000 seeds pkt
Mail us : jkmpic@gmail.com
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705