High altitude Himalayan mountains Shilajit is one of the best anti-aging
natural remedy and useful in a preventing a number of diseases. Shilajit is not
only a preventive of many diseases or but also has therapeutic values. The
medicinal properties make it best adaptive, restorative, rejuvenative and
'rasayana'. Shilajit contain fresh Shilajit sourced from High AltitudeHimalayan Mountains-HAHM and is rich in natural fulvic acid content which is
the major reason for activity of Shilajit. Fulvic acid is not an acid but is
nature's best anti-oxidant and an alkalizer. Shilajit provides minerals and
vitamins- at least 85 micro minerals are found in Shilajit making it best
natural supplement for maintenance of health. Shilajit has no contraindication
and is completely safe for consumption.
Availability : HAHM Shilajit mineral
Mob/WhatsApp: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com