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Showing posts with label online heeng seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online heeng seeds. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Heeng farming in Kashmir

Ferula a. Heeg seeds in kashmir

Asafoetida-Heeng is a very effective medicinal herb that acts mainly on the digestive system, cleansing and strengthening the gastro-intestinal tract. It is much used in the Ayurvedic tradition. The gum-resin contains a volatile oil that is as persistent in aroma as garlic. They leave the body via the respiratory system and aid the coughing up of congested mucous. The pungently flavoured gum-resin that is obtained from the root is alterative, anthelmintic, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, carminative, deobstruent, deodorant, expectorant, laxative, sedative and stomachic. It is used in the treatment of simple digestive problems such as wind, bloating, indigestion and constipation, and also for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma and whooping cough. It is also used as a circulatory stimulant, lowering blood pressure and thinning the blood. The resin has a synergistic effect on other herbal preparations such as camphor, valerian and nux-vomica. It is used in tincture as a mild cardio-tonic.

Buy Heeng seeds for trail purpose 
Availability : 10,25,50 seeds pkt

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Mob: 09858986794/9419966983
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Heeng seeds for sale


Ferula asafoetida plant Kashmir

Ferula asafoetida (Apiaceae family) is a high value Ferula asafoetida medicinal plant found in Central Asia, Iran , Afghanistan, Western Pakistan and Kashmir.

If trail remains a success then it would change the economy of hill state as one Kg of pure Hing is sold for Rs 36,000-40,000.
Asafoetida cultivation can be done in these areas of Himachal and Kashmir. Asafoetida can also be produced in the upper hilly region of Uttarakhand, upper regions of Arunachal Pradesh in the north east.
Asafoetida or Asafetida is the dried latex, oleogum or oleoresin exuded from the taproots of perennial herbs belonging to many species of the genus Ferula, of the family Umbeliferacaea. The major source is Ferula asafoetida. Other sources include Ferula alliacea Boiss. , Ferula asafoetida Linn. , Ferula communis Linn. , Ferula foetida (Bunge) Reget , Ferula ferulago Linn. , Ferula galbaniflua , Ferula hermonis Boiss. , Ferula jaeschkeana , Ferula marmarica Asch.and Taub , Ferula narthex Boiss. , Ferula orientalis Linn. , Ferula persica Wild, Ferula rubricaulis Boiss. , Ferula schair Brosz , Ferula sumbul f. , Ferula szowilziana D.C. , Ferula tingitana Linn. (Syn. Ferula sancta Boiss) and other species of family Ferula. Two kinds of plant are found, male and female. Only the female plant produces the oleogum or asafetida.

Pic: Beauty of Ferula Asafoetida plant
Location: Srinagar Kashmir.
Altitude: 1,600 m asl
Date: 12th August 1999
Identification credit: Sheikh Gulzar,Projcet Head M&AP