pioneer institution in pvt. sector to start cultivation of important indigenous
medicinal plants and introduce many from other parts of the world.
A preliminary study on cultivation of medicinal plants in Jammu and Kashmir
was from this institution.
The medicinal plant garden created, grown and nurtured by JKMPIC around its unit complex contains Kashmir’s largest privately owned
collection of medicinal plants, spanning over 200 varieties, including
used for thousands of years by our ancestors for healing,
health and beauty.
All plants in the garden are carefully conserved for future
generations further, a tissue culture lab. Established within the
distributes rare medicinal plants as a further conservation effort. The
plant introduction centre also nestled within the garden carries out
advanced plant study into the medicinal plants in the garden,
researching and validating their traditional uses.
Availability : Fruit plants, Herbal seeds, Medicinal & Aromatic plants
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