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Friday, April 14, 2023

Food products of Kashmir

  Jammu,Kashmir & Ladakh Food processing industry
(Fruit jamsberries jamsSquashes & Cocktail)

Jam, Jelly, Juice & squash are made from fruits and these are food items. This foodprocessing industry has thus far developed as a demand – based industry and hence only about 1.5 percent of fruits of the country is processed so far. If promoted as a local resource based industry its growth may be much larger especially because of fast increase in export. 

India is second to only Brazil in fruit production. In fruit and vegetable production India can boast of not only the quantity but also variety. Besides, the country is get to exploit large part of horticultural land in the form of hill slopes. Transport, storage and processing are the needs for fruit and vegetable, production in the country. At present about 40 percent of Indian horticultural produces go waste due to lack of these facilities. Fruits can be processed to produce juice squash Jam, Jelly and Marmalades. Jam jelly making is simply a profitable business. 

In addition, you can initiate the business as a small scale with low capital investment. Food processing industry has started receiving a great deal of attention from the policy makers. The current industrial policy in food processing is also favourable for food processing industry. India is the 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, and the food processing sector in the country is expected to double in the next decade. 

The ever-growing consumer demands have opened up huge investment opportunities for foreign and private entities in the food processing industry currently. Generally, jam and jelly from almost every type of fruit and some vegetables. 

Fruit jam contains rich fruit pulp and available in quince, apple, blackberry, blueberry, kiwi, apricot, sea buckthorn, gojiberry, mulberry, elderberry, cherry, mixed fruit, pineapple and orange flavors. Jelly is a clear, bright mixture made from fruit juice, sugar and sometimes pectin. Generally, people use jelly and jam as the bread spread and as a filling for some cakes and cookies. 

Availability : Plant/Fruit Jam/Seeds and other materials
WhatsApp : 9858986794

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Achillea millefolium Kashmir

Achillea millefolium is a widespread medicinal plant used in folk medicine to treat inflammation, pain and gastrointestinal disorders. Screening of gastroprotective potential against acute and chronic ulcers has shown positive correlation with its uses in folk medicinal.

Availability : Plant/Seeds
Mob/WhatsApp:9858986794, Ph:  01933-223705,e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com

Food processing industries in Kashmir

Fruit industries in Kashmir
Jam, Jelly, Juice & squash are made from fruits and these are food items. This foodprocessing industry has thus far developed as a demand – based industry and hence only about 1.5 percent of fruits of the country is processed so far. If promoted as a local resource based industry its growth may be much larger especially because of fast increase in export. 

India is second to only Brazil in fruit production. In fruit and vegetable production India can boast of not only the quantity but also variety. Besides, the country is get to exploit large part of horticultural land in the form of hill slopes. Transport, storage and processing are the needs for fruit and vegetable, production in the country. At present about 40 percent of Indian horticultural produces go waste due to lack of these facilities. Fruits can be processed to produce juice squash Jam, Jelly and Marmalades. Jam jelly making is simply a profitable business. 

In addition, you can initiate the business as a small scale with low capital investment. Food processing industry has started receiving a great deal of attention from the policy makers. The current industrial policy in food processing is also favourable for food processing industry. India is the 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, and the food processing sector in the country is expected to double in the next decade. 

The ever-growing consumer demands have opened up huge investment opportunities for foreign and private entities in the food processing industry currently. Generally, jam and jelly from almost every type of fruit and some vegetables. 

Fruit jam contains rich fruit pulp and available in quince, apple, blackberry, blueberry, kiwi, apricot, sea buckthorn, gojiberry, mulberry, elderberry, cherry, mixed fruit, pineapple and orange flavors. Jelly is a clear, bright mixture made from fruit juice, sugar and sometimes pectin. Generally, people use jelly and jam as the bread spread and as a filling for some cakes and cookies. 

Availability : Plant/Fruit Jam/Seeds and other materials
WhatsApp : 9858986794

Asia's rejuvenating Goji berry

There are parts of northwestern China that are endowed with a different kind of wealth. The people of the Ningxia region, in the shadow of the Liupan mountain range along the Yellow River, have been cultivating Asia's favorite berry for centuries.
Gojiberry  trees in Kashmir

The small, bi-shaped berry found here is called 'Red Diamond' or 'Lal Hera'. It is believed to have anti-aging powers and has therefore gained new global status as a superfood.

But to the people of China, who have been using it medicinally since around the third century, it is simply goji berry or wolfberry.

Availability: Gojiberry seed/planting material
Mob/WhatsApp: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Avena sativa seeds for sale

Sexual Health  : Often described as "Nature's Viagra", Himalayan Avena sativa is soothing and calming to the nervous system, whilst at the same time increasing sexual desire in men and women. In men it is believed to increase luteinizing hormone levels. Luteinizing hormones are released by the pituitary gland and tell the testicles to produce more testosterone. It also stimulates the freeing up of bound testosterone, thus helping to balance the hormones necessary to support a healthy sex drive, sexual response and energy levels.

In women it is a tonic to the nervous system, making it good for recovering from exhaustion. Tradition holds it increases vaginal stimulation and advances the physical and emotional desires for sex. This effect is thought to be due to Avena Sativa’s ability to encourage blood circulation, a contributing factor to boosting sexual desire. Some traditions hold this herb in great regard for the relief of menstrual cramps and bloating.

Availability : Avena sativa seeds 
Mob/WhatsApp: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com

Monday, March 6, 2023

Himalayan Chicory Seeds

Kasni seeds for sale

Himalayan ChicoryKasniCichorium intybus, is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion family Asteraceae, usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink.Chicory, more precisely chicory root (Cichorium intybus), grows all over the world .It has been recorded in Kashmir between an altitude range of 4000-5000 metres.

Availability of Seeds and Planting Materials
Cichorium intybus seed,root & leaves

Pricing : 100 US$ : Seeds per pkt. (approx.): 5000 seeds per pacaket
Fright : 20 US$ additional

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
(Indian admin. Kashmir)
Write us at : jkmpic@gmail.com
More details: http://jkmpic.blogspot.com/2017/02/kasni-seed-india.html
Mob/WhatsApp: 9858986794
Ph : +91-1933-223705

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Salvia apiana-White Sage

Salvia apiana, commonly known as white sage, is an aromatic evergreen subshrub of the chaparral, commonly found in coastal plains in California and Baja California. It has been traditionally used by the Chumash people as a ritual and medicinal plant and used as a calmative, a diuretic, and a remedy for the common cold.

Availability : Plant/Seed
Mob/WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com